
Why you should clean your roof and gutters in summer

Many people put off cleaning their roof and gutters until it’s too late. As we reach the middle of the hot summer months, now is one of the most crucial times for you to get someone up there and clean it up. Here’s why.

Sydney Premium Plumbing - Gutter CleaningThe dangers of debris

The changing seasons have left behind a lot of debris. By the end of spring, your roof and gutters are sure to have been riddled with dirt, leaves, and other debris. Cleaning your gutters at this time is ultimately a preventative measure, and a critical one.

One of the most important reasons for cleaning gutters in summer is that dried-up leaves, stuck in gutters, are prone to catching fire in bushfire season. If you have a lot of trees surrounding your home, you must pay close attention to your gutters in summer.

When not cleaned regularly and properly, debris can cause major damage to multiple parts of your home. The most obvious damage is debris blocking your gutters, stopping rainfall from draining properly and instead, overflowing into your home.

Debris also makes gutters heavier. If not cleaned often, the gutters will sag or pull out the fasteners, damaging the drainage system and your home.

Not to mention, gutters full of debris and water are breeding grounds for unwelcome guests like mosquitoes, cockroaches and even rats!

Preparing for summer stormsSydney Premium Plumbing - Gutter Cleaning

Recent summers have brought some heavy rain and thunderstorms. If your gutters are heavy with debris, the summer winds will easily break your gutters. They’ll also be prone to rust and erosion, meaning summer rains won’t be diverted to the downpipes, it will simply leak through the holes. Water damage can lead to a cracked foundation, which can deepen overtime and cost you either a lot of money to fix, or to move out.

Protecting your roof

Clogged gutters mean rainfall has nowhere to go and will begin to pool around your roof. This pooled water will start to seep through the cracks of your roofing, weakening its hold and damaging the underlayer. Over time, you’ll start to see water damage, mould and mildew in your ceilings – a costly and dangerous consequence of neglecting your gutters.

Cleaning your roof and gutters is extremely important as we reach the middle of the summer season. Neglecting your gutters is a risk that’s not worth taking.

Luckily, roof and gutter cleaning can be cost-effective and convenient if you find the right provider for you. Getting a professional to clean your gutters will effectively prevent these dangers from happening and they’re a lot cheaper than repairing and replacing your roof and gutters when it’s too late!

Sydney Premium Plumbing offer professional roof and gutter cleaning services carried out by licensed experts. Roof leaks and gutter blockages are an urgent matter, which is why Sydney Premium Plumbing is available 24/7 to help.

Don’t risk your safety and money by leaving it too late. Contact one of our professionals to do the hard job for you now.