
Answering the age-old question – why are plumbers so expensive?

We have all probably asked the question at least once in our adult lives – why are plumbers so expensive? While many think a toolbox and a bit of Googling is all it takes, plumbing is much more complex than you might think. So what are you paying for?

Sydney Premium PlumbingSpecialised skill set

Just like any career, plumbing requires a specialised set of skills that not everyone can master. Plumbers are trained professionals, with two years of apprenticeship followed by multiple certifications. These licensed professionals know how to diagnose problems and use various tools to fix them safely and effectively.

They have the skill set to ensure that when a job is done, it’s done right. If you cut corners and choose to DIY or use an unlicensed plumber, you risk causing further damage and end up having to pay double what you would with a licensed plumber.

Available 24/7Sydney Premium Plumbing

Say a pipe burst in your upstairs bathroom at 10 pm and is on the verge of flooding your bedroom and the rooms below. You can’t wait until 9 am the next day to call a plumber. You need someone to come and fix the problem ASAP.

Plumbing is one of those things that are essential in the home but can break at any time. Plumbers need to be prepared to drop everything and tend to emergency calls 24 hours a day. The cost for on-demand, high-quality services will naturally be higher. Also, when it comes to plumbing, the demand is high and the supply is low, so the prices are increased to balance this.

Sydney Premium PlumbingPlumbing parts

Plumbing repairs often include replacing parts, which you’ll also have to pay for. There are also high overhead costs in vehicles and travel, equipment, training and stock. This is included in the price you pay to ensure plumbers provide the best quality solutions for your home.

You save money

Many people have tried to fix a simple plumbing problem and made it into a full-on catastrophe. Plumbers often say a lot of their work is just fixing someone else’s mess-up. Hiring a plumber from the get-go will save you money on the multiple repairs you might need if you try to do it yourself. It’s just not worth it. The quicker you address the problem with someone who knows exactly how to address it, the better off you’ll be. You won’t have to buy new parts every couple of months because a plumber will provide you with a long-term fix.

Looking for a quality plumber you can trust? Sydney Premium Plumbing has your back. For 24/7 emergency plumbing services, contact us today.